Monday, December 10, 2007

Because I can

I love to run.  It's who I am.  There are days though when I don't feel like running.  Sometimes, I try to get out of it, but then I think of the guilt that will follow.  And, the zero miles logged for the day.  So inevitably I always, though reluctantly, head out the door.  I'll take no excuses from me.  

Except for those two times I decided to sleep in and run later, however later never came...

Speaking of excuses, I came across Dread Pirate Rackham's blog recently, and I liked what she had to say about it.
...It seemed like I was surrounded by people who said "running? that's crazy" or "good for you, I can't run because of [insert X, Y, or Z lame/semi lame excuse]."

Everybody has an excuse. Or a story. Or a reason they can't.

They can't, but I can. What they don't realize is that I'm really no different from them.

I can totally relate! She also has her own set of running rules, 27 of them! Check it out here. If you like her blog, and are so inclined, vote for her blog as one of the Best Endurance Sports Blog in 2007 here.