Monday, January 28, 2008

Recovery Week

It took me three days to recover from last Sunday's half marathon. My legs were so sore and stiff, that I waddled like a duck when I walked. But it's all good now.

I had a massage the day after the race. It felt good, but a couple of times I felt my ankles were going to snap whenever the masseuse would draw circles with my toes. So note to self: wait a few days before getting a massage.

A recap of last week's runs:

MON ::recovery
TUE ::recovery
WED ::recovery
THU ::4.22 mi11:02 pa
FRI ::3.37 mi9:53 pa
SAT ::6.0 mi10:41 pa
SUN ::7.33 mi10:34 pa
TOTAL ::20.92 mi

Reached the Nike+ Top 4 spot in the Philippines for overall distance today, yippee! I remember a time not so long ago, when I ranked in the 90s. I've come a long way...


Runner said...

you're one brave runner! Usually, it takes me a week to recover from completing a half marathon.

bealtea said...

ha ha, not sure if running so soon after the half was a smart thing to do. i just missed it.

btw, currently reading "love in the time of cholera" so i'm loving old names, such as yours :-D

Runner said...

funny!!! excellent choice of book, though.